Friday, January 27, 2012


I love this stuff; a breakfast dish introduced in Victorian times via India, it is delicious and nutritious (although dinner is my preferred time to serve this).

Traditionally it is made with smoked haddock, which can be very expensive.  I generally use smoked mackerel, which is an excellent substitution.  You could also use fresh fish (salmon works well) if you don’t like smoked.

Serve with a salad on the side.

1 c raw basmati rice
¾ lb smoked or fresh fish
2 hard boiled eggs, chopped
3 T butter
2 medium onions, diced
1 T curry paste
Juice of a lime or half a lemon
A good handful of chopped parsley
Ground black pepper to taste

Prepare rice (see post below).  Set aside, covered, until ready to use.

Poach fish by bringing a few inches of water to boil in a saucepan which will accommodate the filets.  Remove from heat, add fish, and cover.  Allow to sit for five minutes, then drain and flake fish.  Set aside until ready to use.

Boil eggs, peel, chop, and put aside until ready to use.

Melt butter in a large fry pan.  Add onions and cook over medium heat until onions are caramelized.  Stir in curry paste and remove from heat. 

Add the cooked rice, fish, and chopped egg.  Drizzle all with lemon or lime juice.  Add the parsley and black pepper, then gently mix everything together with a fork.   

This dish is best served only slightly warm (not hot).  You can either serve it immediately, or make it ahead of time, refrigerate, then warm through in the microwave.

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