Monday, September 19, 2011


I've been making homemade pizza for thirty years.  It's one of those things I never get sick of, and the same can be said for my friends and family.  Of course it's morphed throughout the years, gone are the thick-crusted, toppings-heavy creations I used to churn out.  Today's have a thinner crust with less toppings, staying truer to the original.   

Through my years of experience, I've learned a lot about making pizza, namely;
  • the best tasting pizzas are made with slow-risen dough (see recipe below)
  • heavy-gauge pizza pans provide the best result
  • lightly grease your pizza pan with cooking spray
  • when patting the dough into your pan, use the tips of your fingers to spread it; you’ll end up with a more even crust
  • homemade pizza sauce is best; I use my favourite tomato sauce recipe
  • the order of assembly is sauce, then cheese, then any pre-cooked ingredients (ie sautéed mushrooms or roasted red peppers), then anything which you want to brown (ie pepperoni) and lastly, anything raw (ie onions)
  • always sprinkle dried oregano and basil over the top of your unbaked pizza once assembled
  • bake in a 550 degree oven on the lowest rack for 15 minutes (rotate halfway through)
  • allow to cool for five minutes before cutting & serving
  • pizzas can be made ahead of time, wrapped tightly, then frozen; this is a huge help when entertaining (just add an additional five minutes onto the cooking time)
Good luck!

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