Monday, September 19, 2011

Thin Crust Pizza Dough

As you may have deciphered from my blog background photo, I’m a huge homemade pizza fan.  It ends up on our dinner table at least once a month, if not more, and I daresay I make a very tasty one!  As thinner crusts became more popular, I adapted my basic recipe to suit the trend.  This recipe will make a large 14” thin-crust pizza.

2-1/4 c bread flour
¼ t salt
¼ t instant yeast
2 T olive oil
3/4 c room-temperature water

Combine flour, salt and instant yeast in a large bowl.  Whisk the mixture through to ensure everything’s evening distributed.  Add the oil and water, mixing and kneading just until all the flour has been absorbed.  Cover with plastic wrap and allow to sit on the counter top for 18 hours.  After the time is up, punch down, cover with plastic wrap and allow to rest for 15 minutes before using.

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