Saturday, September 3, 2011


Quick, easy and hearty; perfect served with roasted or grilled meats.  This will serve two generoulsy as a side dish, or three more conservatively.

1/3 cup frozen lima beans
1 can of corn, drained & rinsed
1/2 red bell pepper, diced
Salt & Pepper
Minced parsley

In a medium saucepan, bring a couple of cups of water to the boil.  Add the limas, cover, and simmer for five minutes or until the limas are tender.  Add the corn, cover, and leave for a couple of minutes, then add the bell pepper, cover, and let sit another minute.  Drain, turn back into the pot, and add butter, S & P and parsley to taste.  Serve immediately.


  1. I always wondered what Succotash was. Sounds good. I am enjoying your blog. It is well laid out and the photos and recipes make me very hungry and intrigued You have some wonderful recipes. I am glad I found your site. B.
