Tuesday, September 13, 2011

One Person's Dream is Another's Nightmare

I admit it.  It's gross looking.  Call me what you will, but creamed salmon on toast is one of my go-to comfort foods (but only in solitude).  My partner doesn't care for it, which surprises me, as he's an absolute salmon freak.  Regardless, I understand.  However enjoying it alone is somehow that much more gratifying, free to reflect on the countless Friday nights of my youth on which it was served.  Childhood, childhood.

For two servings:

213 g can sockeye salmon, mashed
1 T flour
2/3 c milk
1/2 c frozen baby peas
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste (be generous)

Put salmon into a small saucepan.  Mix flour and milk into a slurry, and pour over salmon.  Add peas, salt and pepper.  Cook over medium heat, stirring often, until thickened.  Spoon over four slices of hot, buttered toast, and if you're me, top with more freshly ground pepper. 

Incidentally, if like me, you only use half the mixture at once, it's excellent as a sandwich stuffing the next day.  I'll forgive you if you cringe.


  1. I think I would love this comfort food it is probably just as comforting as my beans and wieners from a can and probably more nutritious. I am going to try this with My Hero. Childhood comfort food has always worked for me. B
