Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Braised Mushrooms

I love mushrooms, I can never resist picking up a package when shopping.  Their flavour is so versatile you can use them in just about anything.  I rarely know what I'll use them for when I buy them, but they never go to waste.

I particularly like them done this way, saucy and full of flavour.  This will serve two as a side as written, but can easily be increased to suit your demand.

2 t butter
1/2 lb button or cremini mushrooms, brushed clean and halved (or quartered if very large)
3 T white wine
1 clove garlic, minced
1 t lemon juice
1/4 t dried oregano, rosemary or thyme
Salt & pepper to taste
Chopped parsley for garnish (optional)

You can go to the trouble of melting the butter and browning the mushrooms if you wish, but I usually don't.  I just bung everything into a medium saucepan and cook it uncovered over medium heat, stirring often, until the liquids have evaporated to a saucy consistency.

This is also excellent spooned over toast, as a healthy vegetarian meal for one.

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