Monday, February 14, 2011


Food is my life. I am obsessed with cooking, tasting, sharing and nourishing. My motto: simple is best.

I have always been surrounded by wonderful food. My childhood memories are filled with recollections of watching my mother and grandmothers cook, while I peeked over tabletops or gazed intently from atop step stools. Nothing can evoke a memory more powerfully than a smell, and a single smell can be tied to a thousand memories. Of Mom’s spaghetti sauce slowly simmering in her large cast iron pot on countless Friday nights; of making gravy in Grandma M's kitchen, amid the wonderful, homey smells of roast beef and just-beginning-to-perk coffee; of Grandma S’s baked lima beans, which were ever-present at our wonderful Thanksgivings in Haliburton. It's without surprise that I attribute my love of food to these wonderful ladies, and it's to them that I dedicate my efforts.

I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. At the very least, I hope it makes the daily ‘what’s for dinner?’ query a little easier to answer, and allows you to make the most of your time in the kitchen.



  1. Oh this is such a beautiful thing to do sharing your love of cooking with those two special ladies with all of us. Thank you
    Most of my happiest of memories revolve around food also. German Gramma and Irish Gramma need I say more. I am happy I found your blog. I look forward to trying your recipes. B
