Sunday, March 25, 2012

Guilty Pleasures: Fried Luncheon Meat

We always brought a can of Klik with us when we went camping (which we don’t do very often anymore), so I keep some in the cupboard for when the mood strikes.

If you’re turning your nose up right now, don’t knock it ‘til you try it!  Very similar in taste to bacon, and cooking it removes a lot of the fat.  Slice it thinly (you can get about twelve slices from one can), put it into a dry frying pan, and cook it over medium heat until it’s crispy.  Drain it on paper towels, and serve as you would bacon.  Delish! 


  1. Wow this brings me back I have not ate this in 20 years. LOL B

  2. We don't eat it often, but when we do, we enjoy it.

  3. Plainly fry is always nice!
